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This article was generated by AI from the YouTube transcription of the video:

🤖😲 Turn a Youtube video into a Blog Post quickly with ChatGPT -- authentic speaking style intact... by George Kao.

Harnessing ChatGPT to Convert YouTube Videos into Blog Posts

Leveraging AI for Content Creation

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, content creators are constantly on the lookout for efficient tools to streamline their workflow. George Kao, a YouTuber, introduces audiences to a remarkable application of artificial intelligence: transforming YouTube video transcripts into polished blog posts using ChatGPT, a language model by OpenAI.

This AI tool's stellar capability to not only maintain the authenticity of the original speaking style but also shape content to meet specific word count requirements is showcased. With the convenience of AI, creators can expand on concepts within their videos, offering an alternative medium for their audiences. Although ChatGPT is set to become a paid service soon, Kao projects its continued accessibility and immense value.

🤖😲 Turn a Youtube video into a Blog Post quickly with ChatGPT -- authentic speaking style intact...

From Visual to Textual: A Step-by-Step Guide

Kao delineates a simple process which begins with locating the transcript of a YouTube video, accessible through the three-dot menu beside the save button under any video. Once copied, the transcript is fed to ChatGPT with explicit instructions. For instance, a user can request the AI to convert the transcript into a blog post with a minimum of 500 words, using the first-person voice. The tool then works its magic, structuring the content into coherent paragraphs that resonate with the video's essence.

The potential of ChatGPT extends beyond just transcribing; it can tailor its approach to emulate the original tone and language of the video. By analyzing Kao's video, the AI demonstrates a keen ability to capture his distinct speaking style and reformulate the content accordingly, creating a written piece that mirrors the spoken word.

Practical Tips and Considerations

Kao shares his findings and offers tips for optimal use of the AI tool. He found that while ChatGPT can proficiently handle transcripts, there is a limit to the length of text it can process in a single input – approximately 10,000 characters. Any more, and the system may struggle due to current constraints on the free version of the service.

For creators seeking convenience, Kao suggests making a video unlisted for personal use, awaiting the automatic YouTube transcription, and then employing ChatGPT for the transformation into written content. He emphasizes the importance of checking that the AI adheres to the desired word count and iteratively asking it to refine the content as needed.

Call for Community Engagement

Kao's video serves as an invitation for fellow creators to engage with ChatGPT, share their experiences, and collectively improve proficiency with the tool. He underscores the value of sharing prompts and outcomes within the community to foster collective learning.


As AI technologies like ChatGPT continue to mature, they offer content creators innovative ways to repurpose and distribute their ideas across multiple platforms. With the straightforward methodology presented by George Kao, YouTubers and bloggers have a new ally in content creation. As this tool becomes more widely adopted, it heralds a new era of efficiency and versatility in the digital content space.

Generated from the video 🤖😲 Turn a Youtube video into a Blog Post quickly with ChatGPT -- authentic speaking style intact... by YouTube Transcript Generator.


Hint: get more images by right clicking the playing video twice and choosing 'Copy Video Frame' / 'Take Snapshot'.